Friday, January 25, 2019

Short and simple

I've started my weight loss support group again. Thirty people signed up for it and four showed up the first week. Two showed up the second week. One showed up yesterday. It doesn't surprise me, even though it is a bit disheartening. I SO wish I had the magic pill, the perfect answer, the solution to everyone's weight problems.
I don't have the answers to my own weight problems either. I did lose two pounds this past week though. Perhaps I am on the right path this time? We shall see.

Saturday, January 12, 2019


If you think this is me, you really do NOT know me! hahahaha 

I am a bit more practical about my lifestyle. I would not be able to do that schedule for one week, let alone six. For me, personally, it is not a realistic lifestyle.

have had a good week so far. I worked out two days, with my trainer. I started my support group up at the senior center. There were four participants there. It's been almost a year since I went on hiatus from that.

I lost a total of six pounds now, following my new program. I am very pleased with myself!

How are you doing in your new year?

Monday, January 07, 2019

Is it working?

It has only been five days since I started my new program. I will find out today if it has made a difference. I don't know how I will react if it hasn't made a difference. I don't know what I will think, if it has!
I am doing intermittent fasting. I was successful for three days. Weekends are 'normal' eating times. Two days CAN negate all that three days of fasting can accomplish. I will find out later, what success or lack thereof, I have.
Intermittent fasting is not for everyone. My method is to basically eat once a day, five days a week. My husband has done this for most all his life. I did it successfully 20 years ago. I had to quit because I became pregnant. I don't think that will be an issue now that I am in my 60's. I also got my doctor's permission to try this.
One other caveat is that I had stomach stapling surgery almost forty years ago. I cannot stuff myself on the weekends. I cannot stuff myself at night when I eat. That makes a difference between me and someone else who would try this method.
If you do try it, proceed with caution and DO talk to your doctor first!

Friday, January 04, 2019

Being good enough

I have often written about being good enough. Lack of self esteem has been an issue for me, all my life. I recently put my quilt "Beadee the Beading Fairy" in a display of quilts at a local library. There were prizes given from voting by both the patrons of the library as well as from our local guild. Beadee didn't get any prizes. Does this mean I am validated in that she isn't a good art quilt? No. It means that there were a lot of great quilts. Beadee is a great quilt too. I don't need to have that validated by others as long as I like her myself.

BTW, that spiderweb is made of hundreds of clear beads of different sizes. It represents dew drops on a spiderweb.

I am just a few days older than 770 months today. If you had asked me before I did the math, how many months old I was, I would have thought it had to be in the thousands, right? Nope, ONLY 770. You would think after all these months, I would not let my lack of self esteem affect me so much. It isn't as bad as it was. I have to really work at accepting praise and realizing, I AM good enough. Are you?

Thursday, January 03, 2019

It starts with just ONE

This was on a friend's posting on Facebook. I thought it was quite appropriate for not only today, but for every day in one's life. It is from the website,

Tuesday, January 01, 2019

I Will

Earlier last year:
I was sitting in the john and said to myself, "I am just going to give up and die." Now don't get all weird on me. I didn't mean it in a suicidal way. I am just tired of fighting the battle. My weight has gone up and up and up. I may as well get fat and die young.

A few months ago:
Since I wrote the above paragraph, it's been several months. I got on a different antidepressant and it seems to be helping. I have stopped drinking as much as I was. The year is now almost over and I am 10-15 pounds heavier than I was last year.

New Years Day:
This brings us to today. The first of the new year. I am full of intentions. I will start blogging again. I will walk more. I will get some weight off. I will, I will, I will.....will I? I don't know. For today though, I WILL.

Happy New Year to one and all!!!

What a difference a year makes!

 I was wasting time on the computer this morning and looked to see if I had anything to write about on my blog. Imagine my surprise when I n...