Sunday, November 08, 2015

How did I miss October?

I had a birthday, shortly before Halloween. I bought a car for myself and I love it!
I am still teaching yoga classes and might be doing it for money next year.
I am still strength training, twice a week, with a trainer.
I have nine tabs open on my computer right now.
I am embracing the fact that I am obsessive and working on how to make that work FOR me, instead of AGAINST me.
I have not really gained or lost weight. I am still teaching others how to live a healthier life. I AM living a healthier life. Just because I am not at the weight I want to be at, doesn't mean I am a failure.

Abby is looking at all the local shelters in hopes of finding a new walking partner. Ziva left some big paws to be filled!

Till next time, walk-on!

After the frenzy

Abby is still around and about.  I know she's been pretty quiet though.  She kinda over celebrated the new year's arrival. A souther...