Saturday, February 15, 2014

Almost, but not Quite

Is there such a thing as being "almost depressed"? That is somewhat, what I struggle with. When someone says they are depressed, do you automatically think they are suicidal? I have no suicidal thoughts. Perhaps my depression does not need medication but needs talk therapy. I think I will look into that more. I am not liking the side affects of my current meds and truly believe that my doctor meant well, but threw pills at me instead of making other suggestions that don't have quick fixes.

In other news, the trainer just is not going to work out. He met with me, was going to arrange sessions and then bailed on me again. I think over a year of trying should tell me that it is time to give up on him.

I am on to plan B. The weight loss support group is going to meet twice a week for strength training exercises. I am hoping the accountability will help us all work on strength training in a positive way with a good outcome. I may even work on a routine so those who are new to strength training, can follow along easier.

That's it for today. Short posting, no photos. I am off to my meeting and my ten minute (or more) walk!

Till next time, Walk-On!!!

1 comment:

Crabby McSlacker said...

Oh shoot, sorry about the depression, but I think you are being VERY smart to be proactive about it. Cognitive behavioral talk therapy can be very helpful, and exercise helps, but I know it's a tough thing to deal with! It's a great idea to keep exploring options and working to get your perspective back--depression can really affect how you think and how you perceive things, and make everything seem gloomier and harder.

Hang in there!

After the frenzy

Abby is still around and about.  I know she's been pretty quiet though.  She kinda over celebrated the new year's arrival. A souther...