Sunday, August 07, 2011

Measuring Up

Later today I plan to take my measurements. I don't do this often because I find that while I DO lose the pounds, I don't lose the inches yet. At least not to MY standards!

I lost three pounds last week!
That would be three of the above photo or one of the picture below:
That burger doesn't even look good! (shudder)

I have been busy this week. There is one more week of summer vacation left for my son. Once he is back in school, I am back to the center! I am looking forward to changing up my exercises. I was shocked at this week's loss too! I wonder what will happen when I start doing more cardio and weight lifting?

I want to remind you to keep reading those food labels too! The manufacturers are getting sneakier and sneakier!!! Recently a food was found that sounded really really good! It was low in calories and fats but presented itself as a tasty treat. In reading the fine print, however, it was noted that the calories and fat listed were for a half serving. If you hadn't noticed it, you would have eaten enough for a whole meal!

I hate having to keep an eye on everything. I love my weight loss and this new me more! Love yourself more than food today! See you next week!

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After the frenzy

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