Sunday, March 31, 2013


I am apprehensive, but on Tuesday, the day after my 13th wedding anniversary, I am going to a martial arts class!
I need a kick in the behinder to get my exercising back on track. I'll keep you posted on who's butt I kick. Oh and I am staying the same weight...but I discovered what I have suspected for a while, my measurements have changed. I guess exercise is good for waist loss as well as weight loss!

I was reading a blog called "Truth2BeingFit" where she was talking about thigh gap. Really? People worry about such things??? Apparently so. I was happy to show off my muffin top today in an Easter pink tee-shirt. I am sure others see a pudgy old woman. Since I know better, I don't care!

I was good about staying out of the candy on Easter Sunday. In fact, my 12 yr old has also stayed out of it...mostly because he can't find where I hid it.

That's it for today! Hope you have had a nice weekend too. Walk On!!!


Crabby McSlacker said...

Shoot, so sorry I was offline and missed both your anniversary and your kind link to my blog!

Btw, you may want to stop by today...


thequiltingdoberman said...

I did 3 years of karate and felt it was well worth it...mostly a personal toughness factor. :)

(Congrats...go to crankyfitness :))

Mostly I watch your quilting blog. :) Sam

After the frenzy

Abby is still around and about.  I know she's been pretty quiet though.  She kinda over celebrated the new year's arrival. A souther...