I am apprehensive, but on Tuesday, the day after my 13th wedding anniversary, I am going to a martial arts class!
I need a kick in the behinder to get my exercising back on track. I'll keep you posted on who's butt I kick. Oh and I am staying the same weight...but I discovered what I have suspected for a while, my measurements have changed. I guess exercise is good for waist loss as well as weight loss!
I was reading a blog called "Truth2BeingFit" where she was talking about thigh gap. Really? People worry about such things??? Apparently so. I was happy to show off my muffin top today in an Easter pink tee-shirt. I am sure others see a pudgy old woman. Since I know better, I don't care!
I was good about staying out of the candy on Easter Sunday. In fact, my 12 yr old has also stayed out of it...mostly because he can't find where I hid it.
That's it for today! Hope you have had a nice weekend too. Walk On!!!
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
The Best Ideas of....OOOOO SHINY!!!
How come I have all these GREAT ideas for postings throughout the day, and when I get time to sit and write, I have forgotten them? I have tried writing down notes to remind me, but then I lose the notes. I have a hand-held recording device, but I left it somewhere, where I can't find it. (we won't mention that I don't know how to work it very well yet) I wish I could blame this on old-age-brain, but I've been this way most of my life....at least I think I have...I forget now....what was I saying? ....
This past Saturday I went to an event. My favorite yoga studio had sent out a notice that they were having a "Healthy Life, Wellness, and You, Workshop" I thought it might be fun to go to! Imagine, local folks talking about something I have a passion for...living healthier! In the notice, there were pictures of some of the current hot-topic-books like "Wheat Belly". I really thought this was all going to be very informative!
Imagine my dismay when it turned out to be an infomercial. Protein powder, healthy candy substitutes, power powders to enhance your drinking water, and more, were offered up for sale. OR you can make thousands of dollars selling thisjunk stuff, by becoming a distributor. I knew this company was going to be there, but I stupidly did not realize it was going to be the whole program. The quote that I liked the best was when they said "Pork is, of course, really bad for you because pigs don't sweat so they are full of toxins."
They also said many other things that I could rail on about, butwhat's the point why bother? It was just another example of the fluffy getting exploited...as well as other naive folks who thought they were going to find information on healthier living. Anyone want to detoxify your body in 30 days? You know your liver and kidneys can't do it without help. Just think of all those toxins in your liver? How on earth are you still alive??? (I hope you can tell I don't buy into any of this crap, garbage, propaganda, detox theory stuff.)
So it was a waste of time. I sure wish I could gather a group of such folks and edumacate them. My ideals are not that far out there. I really think I could help folks. Now if only I could convince myself of that! Just because I am struggling right now, I feel I lack validity in telling or even suggesting to others, how to lose weight and live better. But I DID lose that 100 pounds and I have kept it off for a year now. That counts for something...I know it should anyway.......hmmmm
My other yoga class has been a bummer lately too. A lady is trying to get her certification and is substitute teaching our yoga class. This gives our regular yoga person a much needed and well deserved break. (These are both volunteers) I give the sub credit for wanting to become certified. It is a lot of work and I am sure she knows her stuff. I just don't like her yoga routines. I've had a number of different yoga teachers over this past year. This is the first one that I don't mesh with. That isn't too bad though! AND it really makes me appreciate my other teachers even more. I need to be sure to tell them that, the next time I see them.
Carboys.... wait, what? .... I was writing a note to myself about something on Crabby's blog and I wrote Carboys....Most of those letters are in her moniker, right? She has been kind enough to stop by my blog on a fairly regular basis. I had to bribe her to do it, but I am glad she does visit. The link to her blog is over on the left. She has a GREAT blog. Read it!
This past Saturday I went to an event. My favorite yoga studio had sent out a notice that they were having a "Healthy Life, Wellness, and You, Workshop" I thought it might be fun to go to! Imagine, local folks talking about something I have a passion for...living healthier! In the notice, there were pictures of some of the current hot-topic-books like "Wheat Belly". I really thought this was all going to be very informative!
Imagine my dismay when it turned out to be an infomercial. Protein powder, healthy candy substitutes, power powders to enhance your drinking water, and more, were offered up for sale. OR you can make thousands of dollars selling this
I was NOT amused.
They also said many other things that I could rail on about, but
So it was a waste of time. I sure wish I could gather a group of such folks and edumacate them. My ideals are not that far out there. I really think I could help folks. Now if only I could convince myself of that! Just because I am struggling right now, I feel I lack validity in telling or even suggesting to others, how to lose weight and live better. But I DID lose that 100 pounds and I have kept it off for a year now. That counts for something...I know it should anyway.......hmmmm
My other yoga class has been a bummer lately too. A lady is trying to get her certification and is substitute teaching our yoga class. This gives our regular yoga person a much needed and well deserved break. (These are both volunteers) I give the sub credit for wanting to become certified. It is a lot of work and I am sure she knows her stuff. I just don't like her yoga routines. I've had a number of different yoga teachers over this past year. This is the first one that I don't mesh with. That isn't too bad though! AND it really makes me appreciate my other teachers even more. I need to be sure to tell them that, the next time I see them.
Carboys.... wait, what? .... I was writing a note to myself about something on Crabby's blog and I wrote Carboys....Most of those letters are in her moniker, right? She has been kind enough to stop by my blog on a fairly regular basis. I had to bribe her to do it, but I am glad she does visit. The link to her blog is over on the left. She has a GREAT blog. Read it!
Ok dear readers, I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Don't eat too many jelly beans but do slow down and enjoy the ones you do have! (I like the black and purple ones bestest)
Walk On!
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Those blasted food manufacturers again!
I read the other day that most stores have stopped carrying full fat Fage yogurt.
Why would you want full fat yogurt? Mostly I like to use it as my ice cream. It tastes good with chocolate syrup on it! Or butterscotch even. I might try freezing if I can find it somewhere else again. Also I have found that the full fat (and sometimes the 2%) is more satisfying. The fat fills you up and sticks with you longer.
The zero fat leaves me craving for more!
I still like the zero fat for sour cream replacement though, it is tangy.
I still like the zero fat for sour cream replacement though, it is tangy.
Also, did you notice that the zero fat Fage is an ounce LESS than the 2% Fage but sells for the same price? That makes the 2% a better deal, money wise.
I had to laugh when I heard about the Kraft Mac n Cheese news this week.
Is Dr. Oz that young? My mac n cheese in my childhood was made from elbow macaroni and melted Velveeta. I don't know why, but this just struck me as funny. By the way, I am not a huge fan of Dr. Oz...in case you couldn't tell.
Finally today, I came across this:
If I could find a source for raw milk I would buy it in a heartbeat! I don't know why I don't trust the FDA. I am sure they are not influenced by food manufacturers. (insert sarcasm here)I am hanging in here. I have still not been able to meet up with my trainer and am thinking how to work around that. He is now sick. I feel sorry for him but am glad I have not plunked down the $75 to see him yet. If I come up with a replacement idea, I am going to skip seeing him. I know I CAN do a routine on my own. I just need to come up with one!
I am smoking again...sorta. There, I have admitted it. I would say I am at about two per day. I am fighting it. I make no promises other than if I DO go full fledged with these damn things, I will quit again too. Sorry to have let you down on that.
The weight is not budging. Big F-in' surprise there. I am not moving as much as I used to. I AM eating pretty clean though. Trouble is, some of the clean eating involved sunflower seeds and pistachios. I hope you hang in with me here though. Just because I am struggling, doesn't mean I can't be helpful, now does it? I hope not!!!
That is is for today. Hope you have a wonderful weekend! I plan to. Walk on!!!
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Syrup isn't Sugar and Sugar isn't Syrup?
If corn syrup solids are listed as the first ingredient, why are sugars listed as ZERO grams? Did you know this? I am still researching this but I think I have figured out that corn syrup solids are not considered sugar because it is a syrup. It is listed as a carb but not a sugar. I am not amused. My coffee creamer's first ingredient is "corn syrup solids". I think I am going to go back to half and half in my coffee. It is a LOT more natural! So watch those grams of carbs in your ingredients, especially if they say they are sugar free...it might be a lie fib!
In the post before this I had several commenter's. Thank you so much! I often wonder if anyone is still reading this blog. For the record, I have NOT started smoking this time. Also for the record, I am doing better. The scale didn't budge but my mood has lifted. I have plans for keeping my moods lifted this week too. I am hoping to meet with my old trainer from last fall to see if we can work out a way to meet a few times a week so I can gain my strength back. I am also thinking about doing another 5K. I can't tell you what a relief it is to feel good again!
Part of the reason for my mood lifting, is recently I gave myself permission to visit the Wizard of Oz. He told me "There's no place like home" and that it might take six years, but I CAN go home!
Just the THOUGHT process of giving myself permission to make plans for going home has taken a weight off my shoulders like you wouldn't believe!
Now I am doing some brainstorming. I will be in my mid sixties when the first window of opportunity happens for such a grand move. What kind of life do I want and what kind of life can I actually do, back in California, in my 60's? I've thought about being a 'Life Coach'. I have toyed with the idea of owning a big Victorian mansion where I host retreats for quilters, weight loss support groups, Yoga, and more. I would have some of my favorite old friends help with this endeavor. There is Laume the quilter, Kimberly the masseuse, Gereg the sword play instructor, and Lenie the Bubble Fairie and Labyrinth builder...just to name a few. Yes, I have an odd bunch of friends out there!
Will ANY of this transpire? I honestly am not sure. Just the exercise of thinking this way though, has opened up a whole new world to me and has turned my life around to a happier place.
Why am I sharing this with you? To show you that the power of the mind REALLY IS awesome. If you are struggling...and I certainly was...all it took was resetting my brain. This works for weight loss too. I mean really...I was obese ALL my life. I didn't know what a normal weight was. True I have a few more pounds to go, but every time I have lost weight in the past, I gained it back. Even having had gastric bypass surgery over 30 years ago, did not keep me from being obese.
I had to change my mind. I couldn't do it in the way that a woman is famous (or is that infamous?) for doing. It had to be a total reset in my way of thinking. In eight months I will reach the three year goal of having lost the weight and kept it off. That is my self imposed proof positive that this time I can keep the weight off for good AND live a more normal life. Brilliant!
It was just a mind reset.
The power of the mind is really awesome!
Walk on dear readers...it is a beautiful day!
In the post before this I had several commenter's. Thank you so much! I often wonder if anyone is still reading this blog. For the record, I have NOT started smoking this time. Also for the record, I am doing better. The scale didn't budge but my mood has lifted. I have plans for keeping my moods lifted this week too. I am hoping to meet with my old trainer from last fall to see if we can work out a way to meet a few times a week so I can gain my strength back. I am also thinking about doing another 5K. I can't tell you what a relief it is to feel good again!
Part of the reason for my mood lifting, is recently I gave myself permission to visit the Wizard of Oz. He told me "There's no place like home" and that it might take six years, but I CAN go home!
Just the THOUGHT process of giving myself permission to make plans for going home has taken a weight off my shoulders like you wouldn't believe!
Now I am doing some brainstorming. I will be in my mid sixties when the first window of opportunity happens for such a grand move. What kind of life do I want and what kind of life can I actually do, back in California, in my 60's? I've thought about being a 'Life Coach'. I have toyed with the idea of owning a big Victorian mansion where I host retreats for quilters, weight loss support groups, Yoga, and more. I would have some of my favorite old friends help with this endeavor. There is Laume the quilter, Kimberly the masseuse, Gereg the sword play instructor, and Lenie the Bubble Fairie and Labyrinth builder...just to name a few. Yes, I have an odd bunch of friends out there!
Will ANY of this transpire? I honestly am not sure. Just the exercise of thinking this way though, has opened up a whole new world to me and has turned my life around to a happier place.
Why am I sharing this with you? To show you that the power of the mind REALLY IS awesome. If you are struggling...and I certainly was...all it took was resetting my brain. This works for weight loss too. I mean really...I was obese ALL my life. I didn't know what a normal weight was. True I have a few more pounds to go, but every time I have lost weight in the past, I gained it back. Even having had gastric bypass surgery over 30 years ago, did not keep me from being obese.
I had to change my mind. I couldn't do it in the way that a woman is famous (or is that infamous?) for doing. It had to be a total reset in my way of thinking. In eight months I will reach the three year goal of having lost the weight and kept it off. That is my self imposed proof positive that this time I can keep the weight off for good AND live a more normal life. Brilliant!
It was just a mind reset.
The power of the mind is really awesome!
Walk on dear readers...it is a beautiful day!
Saturday, March 09, 2013
Move along, move along, nothing to see here!
I promised to not disappear when things were not going as well as I would like them to be going. So...things are not going as well as I would like them to be going. I am up in weight again. (sigh-oh-poor-me)
I could blame it on the weather.
Maybe it is the time of year.
Maybe I have gotten lazy.
Perhaps I am deluding myself in regards to how little I can exercise and how much I can eat.
Just because some studies suggest full fat is better than zero fat, doesn't mean it is better for me.
Insert any lame excuse here _________!
I am going through a very rough time. It is partly my nature. I am a worrier. I have anxiety issues. I suffer with bouts of depression. Often I turn to cigarettes when these things peak in intensity. I have tried medications but part of me loathes the thought of being on some type of antidepressant year, after year.
I know I will work things out. I know I have been saying this for several months now. It is amazing how time flies...it has been almost half a year that this all started piling up. I think it is because I first had to go through the process of accepting that I was not going to get to be 150 pounds. I had to accept that I was going to be in the 180's unless I was willing to do more. I am now trying to balance out what I am willing to do more of, with what weight I can be satisfied with.
I struggle with posting as I really want to stay positive! I have not given up. I won't. I want to learn to like the weight I am at, MORE than giving up and gaining all the weight back that I lost.
I know many others who are at or nearly at their weight maintenance levels struggle with these issues too. I am not alone. None of us are. We can all reach out if we want to...if we allow ourselves to. It is not a sign of weakness. Why would it be?
Ok, today is supposed to be a pretty nice spring day. Things are going well in most other areas of my life. I think I will go for a walk. I always feel better when I do!
Walk-On everyone, be happy, never give up!
I could blame it on the weather.
Maybe it is the time of year.
Maybe I have gotten lazy.
Perhaps I am deluding myself in regards to how little I can exercise and how much I can eat.
Just because some studies suggest full fat is better than zero fat, doesn't mean it is better for me.
Insert any lame excuse here _________!
I am going through a very rough time. It is partly my nature. I am a worrier. I have anxiety issues. I suffer with bouts of depression. Often I turn to cigarettes when these things peak in intensity. I have tried medications but part of me loathes the thought of being on some type of antidepressant year, after year.
I know I will work things out. I know I have been saying this for several months now. It is amazing how time flies...it has been almost half a year that this all started piling up. I think it is because I first had to go through the process of accepting that I was not going to get to be 150 pounds. I had to accept that I was going to be in the 180's unless I was willing to do more. I am now trying to balance out what I am willing to do more of, with what weight I can be satisfied with.
I struggle with posting as I really want to stay positive! I have not given up. I won't. I want to learn to like the weight I am at, MORE than giving up and gaining all the weight back that I lost.
I know many others who are at or nearly at their weight maintenance levels struggle with these issues too. I am not alone. None of us are. We can all reach out if we want to...if we allow ourselves to. It is not a sign of weakness. Why would it be?
Ok, today is supposed to be a pretty nice spring day. Things are going well in most other areas of my life. I think I will go for a walk. I always feel better when I do!
Walk-On everyone, be happy, never give up!
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After the frenzy
Abby is still around and about. I know she's been pretty quiet though. She kinda over celebrated the new year's arrival. A souther...

All the women above used a sewing pattern that was a size 16, for the slacks they are wearing. Size 16 seems to come in all shapes tha...
I recently did a body fat test, using one of those gizmos that runs a current through your body. It doesn't hurt by the way. Now if you ...