That word, 'again' is quite appropriate. Separated, it reads: A Gain. A weight Gain. I have been overweight most all my life. My first diet was when I was about 11 and in the fifth grade. As most fatties, I have tried every program, fad diet, and gimmick throughout my life. It has been 45 years since that first diet. I have been lots heavier than I am now, but had stomach stapling done in 1981. I went from this (375):
To this, one year later (195):
I then got pregnant three times in five years and had three wonderful children. I never lost my pregnancy pounds though. After all the ups and downs, with that surgery, I
did manage to take off about 100 pounds and keep it off. Trouble is, I still am about 100 pounds too heavy.
In 1998 I lost about 80 pounds by only eating once a day. That was actually working for me until I got pregnant with my forth child. Back up I went.
In 2008 I lost about 40 pounds because I was working a job that kept me on my feet a lot. When I quit that job in 2009, the weight came right back on.
I have been about 275 to 285 for the past 25 years, with the exception of those two short term weight losses. Just before Thanksgiving in 2010, I stepped on the scale and got a scare. It was 291. I was only nine pounds from THREE HUNDRED POUNDS!!!
So I joined a local senior center that has wonderful classes. The best has been the aerobic swim classes and the lap pool. (My knees are giving out after years of abuse.) Although I would love to walk the dog for exercise, I can't; not without a lot of pain.
Thursdays are my weight loss support meetings at the center. I had lost and then gained two pounds over Christmas. Let's see what happens tomorrow!
As of this posting today, I did 45 minutes of aerobic water exercising and stretching. I am on track with the better eating plan, and I will walk to get my son from school this afternoon.
See you tomorrow, after my weigh in!
Walk On, Walker Lady