Camping season is upon us and we often have the most unusual 'finds'.
You might think this penny is ancient but it is either from the 1990's or 1980's.
I started crocheting socks again.
They are a great smaller project to take along when camping.
I am making these for myself.
On the design wall in the studio we have several projects in the works.
I'm making blue blocks for a blue themed quilt.
The black and tan blocks in the lower left are for our guild's 2022
Mystery Quilt Challenge.
While camping, this little fella decided to hitchhike with me:
I've never seen such a small tick.
I made these flowers after seeing a photo of them on my friend Jaye's blog:
Leaf by leaf I keep adding bits and pieces to my project:
That's it for this week. It's super hot out and being near the water has been wonderful. I hope you all have a great weekend too! Happy Crafting Y'all