Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Hello World!

Hello world! How are you? I am doing pretty good these days. Life has been very busy. Let me start with the RV and I will finish with how I am doing with my health and fitness stuff.

After almost three weeks at the shop, we finally got our RV back. We knew there had been a leak at one time. In the overhead cab area there is a bed. This is a picture of the front corner over the driver's side:
See the warping of the wallpaper? Now take a close look at the wood. (click on the photo for a closeup) It is rotted through. That is all from water damage. The previous owners said it didn't leak. I am not calling them liars. I think a lot of beginner RV-ers do not realize how easy it is for an RV to develop a leak OR how much damage can come from a very small leak.
Here is another shot of that same corner. You can see the discoloring on the carpeted wall above the wood. You can also see more of the rotting on that wood.
Look what was underneath, hidden from view:
That brown is the board/support underneath the bed cushions. Here is more of that board, exposed:
Here is what it looked like across the front, inside that wood trim that was rotten:
The carpeted part had acted as a wick to send water all along the front of the cabover.

On the passenger side of the cabover, it looked like this:
See any damage? Nope. However, when the white part was removed and the wood trim taken off, it looked like this:

Below is a picture of the white cubby, opened up. We had all the white part removed. This was a shallow cubby and we are going to use the area in a different way.
We knew we'd have to deal with this and figured it in to the cost of owning an RV. When all the systems were checked out and repairs were made we ended up with a bill of $3100. $2500 was for labor costs alone! Ouch. However, we now have a leak free RV and all systems are a go. Now we need to find some time to actually GO camping! hahahaha

In other news, I did something I said I would NEVER do! I gave up creamer in my coffee. Roni, from Roni's Way blog says to do wycwyc. (What You Can, When You Can). Since I haven't been able to motivate myself to make any other changes, I decided that just perhaps I could make this small change. I have been creamer-free for over a week now. I was using half and half to the tune of 100-150 calories per day. It isn't much but it IS something I CAN do!

I am still teaching yoga and going to another yoga class, and working out twice a week with the trainer. I need to walk more. My knee is in pretty bad shape though, and walking hurts. There isn't much I can do about it either. It isn't bad enough to be operated on and any shots only last a few months. I currently am looking for a swimsuit. I am headed back to the pool so I can workout without putting weight on that bad knee.

That is all the latest. It isn't much these days, but for my few followers, I wanted to check in with you to let you know I am still out here. Thanks for reading!
Till next time, walk-on!

What a difference a year makes!

 I was wasting time on the computer this morning and looked to see if I had anything to write about on my blog. Imagine my surprise when I n...