Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Not A Good Day...

It has now been a full week since my son has been out of school. I KNEW what happened today would eventually happen, and since today was the day it happened, I am glum and am writing about it.

I have made it to the outdoor pool every day I planned to, and exercised as planned. I have made it to the indoor pool over the weekend and exercised . I have been eating within my personal food plan. Today was the first day I tried using the gym at the senior center. As I suspected and dreaded, I couldn't really do anything. I got on the elliptical first. That hurt my knee and I gave up after five minutes. Next I went to the treadmill. I did a mile and a half in 30 minutes and feel like I have run a marathon! I had a suspicion that I wasn't getting enough out of the pool workouts and this has confirmed it.

As I left the treadmill behind, I looked at the different exercise machines, knowing I still had 30 more minutes of exercise to do. I sadly walked on by. I was rubber legged and tired and very discouraged. Did I mention I had gained a couple pounds? I weighed in on the 'Saturday Scale' that I always use. It was up.

Now what do I do? I KNOW this is a tough spot for me to be in. I KNOW this is a prime example of a time when I have quit in the past.

Stay tuned to see how this turns out!

1 comment:

Shirley said...

Hi Sherri, miss you in the pool. Hey thanks for the pizza ideas. I will definiely use them because I too lovvvvvve pizza! Don't be so hard on yourself re: the 2 lb weight gain. Focus on the 50+ lbs you have already lost. I admire you because you are kicking over-weight's but!

Shirley from Water Aerobics class

After the frenzy

Abby is still around and about.  I know she's been pretty quiet though.  She kinda over celebrated the new year's arrival. A souther...